Hello Church,

I love Stewardship, but not for the reason you might think. During the Stewardship, we get to celebrate and highlight our great work as a church. And we have done some great work in the last year. We have served, loved and lived.  We have quieted our hearts in worship to God and followed after Jesus in our community.

Sunday we will kick off Stewardship season with a testimony and children’s moment. Look for a visual description of our church with your pledge card in the mail next week. In this space each week you will hear from our great staff members who seek to empower you to serve and love Jesus.

“Journey Toward Generosity” is the UCC theme this year that we will take up.  I am quite certain that many of you are well down the path of that journey.  We have a very generous congregation!  I look forward to celebrating our great church with you in the coming weeks.

Peace to you!


P.S.  Rev. Abby Mohaupt will be in worship on Sunday and will offer an overview of Fossil Free PCUSA after worship in the Heritage Room.