1. You don’t know what you are doing. And that’s okay!
Jesus knew we didn’t know what we were doing when we were praying. (That’s why he offers us what we call the Lord’s Prayer.) The point of prayer is not for you to feel like an expert or know “how” to pray. The point of prayer is to open yourself to God and see what happens. Just do it. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, pray.

2. Stop talking.
Prayer is not about what you say to God, it’s more about what God says to you. Sure, there are things you need to get off your chest. God can take it and wants to hear it all, but take just as much time to listen. Remember that old Psalm: “Be still and know that I am God.” God is still speaking and is often using her still small voice to speak to you. You wouldn’t enter into a conversation with a friend and not stop talking. Don’t do that to God either. Stop talking. Breathe. Listen.

3. Enjoy God’s Presence.
Let’s stop thinking about prayer as a transactional relationship. Sure we want things from the people we call friends and that is even more true of our God, but is that the first thing we want out of our relationship? Pretty sure the dating sites don’t list as their first criteria: Husband to take out the trash. Take time to bask in God’s grace, to revel in his mercy, to sit with the fact that God loves you and promises good for you. That could change your life.

In the beautiful days of summer, maybe use just a few minutes here or there to pray. And report back what happens. I would love to know.

Peace to you (as always),