Hi Church,

This is an exciting time of the year, both in our society and in the church. I am a big fan of trees and lights and Santa Claus. But I get more excited about the coming of the Messiah and the promises that he both brings and fulfills.

On Sunday our focus scripture was Isaiah 61, where Isaiah makes big promises. The Israelites are back from exile, back into the land that is supposed to flowing with milk and honey and it is not going as they expected. Life is hard. Making new things, new life, new ways of doing and being, that is hard. There is a delay in rebuilding the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem. There is some resistance from the people who are in the land. They are frustrated. Isaiah is addressing them and he casts this vision of hope: good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners. He describes the year of Jubilee. He also describes the coming of the Messiah.
Whether you are feeling you need to receive the promises or you are able to help bring them to be for others, I pray that you would know the coming of the Messiah this Christmas. May you sense the God of all life come close to you and all of us. Reach out if this is a difficult time. Know that I pray for you always.
P.S.  The weather has been frightful. Please use your discretion in coming to church. As we do every Sunday, we will use who and what God gives us and use it God’s glory. Some Sunday that may be only me in the sanctuary singing the hymns by myself, but we will have worship. Please be safe!