A Furry Family Christmas
A Handbell Concert Benefiting Care for Pets

Saturday, December 8, 2018
3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Christmas is a time for family, including the four-legged variety, but many in our community struggle to provide for their companions, especially when poverty, illness, or other circumstances lead to separation, resulting in broken hearts and loneliness for pet and person alike.

One amazing organization is working tirelessly to provide services and resources to the pets of Rockford’s underserved population, ultimately keeping these treasured animals out of the shelter and at home where they belong. Join us as we celebrate the joy our furry family members bring to the Christmas season and honor the dedicated volunteers of CARE for PETS.

Featuring the Martin Ringers, Carillons, Bellcantos, Tower Ringers, and Peanut Ringers, along with vocalist, Vanessa Nieva and speaker, Stephanie Hicks, executive director of CARE for PETS.

After the concert, we will gather in the gym for a delicious dessert buffet, Christmas pet merchandise bazaar, and opportunities to learn more about CARE for PETS.

Admission is FREE.
Donations will be accepted to benefit CARE for PETS. www.wecareforpets.org