Hello Church,

In Advent, we wait. But we don’t wait around in boredom, we wait with hopeful expectation, for we know a bit of what is to come. It’s Jesus! And Jesus draws us toward peace, love, hope and joy.

Church, you know these things well and demonstrate them in all that we do. In case you missed this list in the stewardship letter, here are a few highlights of the last year:

  • We celebrated our fifth anniversary of our federation with new hymnals (donating our old ones to the Gulf Coast) and crafted one baptismal font out of two.
  • We put together a grassroots strategic plan where every ministry team set goals to keep our church moving towards God’s vision.
  • The Haiti Interest group raised enough money to give tools and farm supplies to 1,100 people and send over 50 kids to school in the community of Saut- d’Eau.
  • Our Adult Ed classes covered prophesy during Advent, the Gospel of John during Lent, immigration, adolescence, poverty, fruits of the Spirit in Galatians and launched a new series introducing key theologians and key doctrines.
  • Along with Rev. Matthew Johnson, Andy and I led a four-part Faithful Desegregation: Training to Dismantle White Supremacy for 14 churches and over 100 people.
  • Our Lenten Worship experience revolved around the Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
  • We created an Earth Care Committee.
  • We had a handbell concert raise money for Carpenter’s Place and another for KFACT.
  • We formed and followed the advice of the Building Ad Hoc committee to rearrange our “living space” in order to bring in a non-profit organization that is changing lives.
  • We supported Jeremiah Development’s Love Rockford Day where over 400 families received needed services.

This list is so incomplete and doesn’t touch on all the mission and ministry we do year after year that grounds us as a community of faith. What a gracious and faithful congregation who loves with a big heart and serves with smart compassion. I am honored to be your pastor.

Peace, Rebecca

P.S. If the joy of this season is passing you by, please reach out. I would love to pray with you as would Pastor Becky or one of our deacons.