Prayer and Scripture

Psalm 130

This week listen to this song all together. Take the risk to sing the chorus aloud together.  “I will wait for you, I will wait for you, on your word I will rely”. As Christians, we are used to being in waiting for the good news that God has already brought. Help ground your child, teaching that we have a different kind of way to see goodness through this very hard time.



Consider turning your front door or front windows into thank you signs for all the delivery and postal people! Some people are even doing daily jokes for the neighborhood! Send in your pics!

Positive Affirmations and Meditations

This is a fun Pokemon meditation. For those of you with kids who love Pokemon but are less interested in grounding activities. This is long, but try to do some, it will take up a half hour!

Fun Family Games

Play your own version of “The Family Feud”. Try using Zoom or Hangouts and calls some relatives and compete, or each person in your house can play as their own member. Use this website for fun family questions!

Spiritual Learning Connections

Phd and famous speaker Brene Brown on what empathy is for children.