By Valerie Blair

Tower Hill was another great weekend this year. We had old-timers, young timers, and Steve and Sandy Williams, the newbies. Doug Phillips, his daughter, Sarah, Valerie Blair and Ben, and Nichole King and Abigail arrived Thursday. We enjoyed a more intimate dinner and conversation, then the rest of people trickled down to the beach to join us swimming on Friday. Then Pastor Becky, Andy and family joined on Saturday. We had terrific weather, except for not being able to swim on Saturday, due to rough surf. A wicked kickball game was enjoyed by many, and resulted in an injury (Paul Laprade broke a toe…really took one for the team). We had a couple of great campfires, courtesy of Dave Patterson and his not-quite-boy-scout approved methods. Kristine Pando and Nichole took kids on a hike on Saturday, while Paul, Kristina and Valerie went to the local library’s ‘fill a grocery bag with books for 5 bucks’ sale, (’cause none of has enough books, apparently). Sunday after breakfast we gathered for fellowship under the outdoor cross to read the scripture for that day, share communion and sing. Then everyone scattered to their own corners of the world. Another wonderful church family weekend done. Plans are afoot to make a change or two for next year, and we hope more people join us. It’s really one of the best weekends of the year for many people.