Hello Church,

We have an exciting new(ish) development in the life of our church. Julie Cook Ramirez has agreed to be our Interim Director of Handbell Ministries! A great team of folks initiated by the Executive Committee and led by Jennifer Archer took a good look at the Bell Program, where it is now and where we want it to go, and they decided that Julie was the right person to lead this transitional year.

Julie, who has directed one of our bells choirs, has a great rapport with her ringers. She introduces creative and interesting music and has an ear for music that praises God. In the tradition of Dick Litterist, Joe Calkins and now Jim Fry, she will be more than able to create fellowship opportunities and connect the world to the church through bell ministry.

We can be proud of our long standing Bell Ministry (in both churches), and I am looking forward to how Julie will engage our ringers and lead them to make music to the glory of God.
