Hello Church!

Happy New Year! Maybe? I hope? Questions abound as we head into this new year. What will it look like? What will Covid-19 do? How will we have to respond? I don’t know about you, but I don’t like uncertainty. Our study of the Gospel of John on Sundays in worship (and Tuesday noon Bible studies) comes at the right time. From the sermon on Sunday, December 19:

We have been walking through the Old Testament this Fall, and recently through the prophets. We get a sense that the family faith (and by extension us) are just not getting the right picture; just not quite understanding what God is wanting us to do. There is violence and war and exile, and promise and hope, and uncertainty and doubt, and love and fear. It’s all getting a bit complicated. The Gospel of John speaks right to the heart of that complicated, overwhelmed feeling, that feeling that can make us feel dumb at times because we just can’t quite grasp the way God wants us to be, know and act. The Gospel of John starts over using the words of Genesis. In the beginning. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. A new start. A fresh beginning. One that has grace upon grace.

May we take God up on the grace of a new start, a fresh beginning this year. We may not know what the year will look like, but we know that God is with us and that we can do this year together as church.

Peace to you,