The comforts of hearth and home mean so much at Christmastime, but many in our community don’t have a home in which to welcome family or simply escape the harsh winter weather.
Join us as we shine the light of Christmas into the lives of some of Rockford’s most struggling residents through the love of God and the gift of music.
Featuring the Martin Ringers, Carillons, Bellcanto Ringers, Tower Ringers, and Peanut Ringers, along with organist, Valerie Blair, and speaker, Kay Larrick, Carpenter’s Place
After the concert, we will gather in the dining room for a time of food and fellowship, as we share a delicious meal with our friends and neighbors.
Saturday, December 9 at 4 pm
Admission is free. Donations will be accepted to benefit Carpenter’s Place, which serves Rockford’s homeless adults by providing a safe place to partake of a much-needed meal, shower, and change of clothes, along with employment training, mental health services, and housing arrangements.
For more information, call (815) 963-8431 or email
Artwork “Coming Home” by Anne Remington ​