With Deacon approval and Governing Council blessing, we are taking a new look at the Bible in worship soon. Beginning this Fall we will be basing our worship services on the Narrative Lectionary.

Developed a few years ago by Luther Seminary, the Narrative Lectionary seeks to share the stories of scripture in a way we can follow throughout the year. Beginning with Genesis in September and moving through the stories of Israel’s early history through the Fall. From Christmas to Easter we will use readings from one of the four Gospels. Then from Easter to Pentecost we will move through Acts and Paul’s letters. The summer is set aside for sermon series on themes or books of the Bible.

You might ask, “What’s wrong with the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) that we have been using?” Well, it was developed for a different time and place. To use the RCL properly, a church must read all four scripture readings every week (something most churches–including ours–haven’t done for years). The RCL also assumes that every person is in worship every Sunday for three straight years – a goal for us all perhaps, but not a reality. Also, I have always thought it was hard to get a grasp of the flavor of each Gospel when there are four Gospels divided over three years. The Narrative Lectionary is a four-year cycle for this reason. I am excited to walk through the Bible with you all in a matter that’s compelling and easy to understand. While we will use this as a guide, we will be free to diverge from it when God calls in other directions.

May God bless us as we seek God’s holy word.


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