Hello Church!

Where does the time go? Lent is right around the corner, the season of the year when we spend reflecting and praying about who and whose we are. We prepare ourselves for the death and resurrection of Jesus and new life in Christ.

Given that we as a society have spent the last two years reflecting and pondering in much Covid solitude, we will use this Lent to
reconsider the basic building blocks of our belonging to God, to the Church and to one another.

In this month’s newsletter you will read a great report from DVT from the member surveys on belonging. Thank you to all who did in the interviews and all who responded. We will be a better church when we connect the dots of your answers. Thank you to Karen Olson for organizing this endeavor!

My hope and prayer is that these COVID numbers continue to drop and more and more of us can spend time together. It is true what they say, we are better together.

Peace to you all,