Hello Church!

Mother’s Day.  To church or not to church?  That is the question.  Many pastors say Hallmark holidays do not belong in the church.  It’s true.  But what does belong in the church is everything we are thinking, feeling, celebrating and grieving.  That is why Mother’s Day does belong in the church.

But is not a part of church in order to have every mother stand to receive a flower-that tradition has long gone because it is void of theological meaning and makes those who are not mothers feel some sort of way, many ways actually.  It’s just not worth the possible alienation and pain, not to mention it doesn’t point us toward God, as worship is supposed to do.

Many have started to boycott churches on Mother’s Day because it is either too cheesy, doesn’t apply or more recently, it is such a downer as a bleeding heart pastor names every way that Mother’s Day can be painful.

On Sunday, we with gather with all of our hopes and dreams, all of our pain and heartache (as we do every Sunday!) and we will lay that at the feet of Jesus.  We will ask God to mend our broken places and encourage us in all of our familial rolls, whether by blood or choice.  We won’t dwell on Mother’s Day, because we gather on Sundays to worship God.  So we will do that.  We will focus on our Narrative Lectionary passage Philippians 2.  And God will be faithful to move in our midst.

I am praying for you all this Mother’s Day.

Peace to you,
